Sunday 15 November 2015

Easy Guide To Make Amino Acids and Knowing Benefits For Plants

How do the amino acids in plants? Applications amino acid is one of the methods to improve the quality and quantity of crop production. Plants are able to synthesize the amino acid itself, through the base material of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen through a complex biochemical process and requires considerable energy. With the application of an external amino acids, the plant can conserve energy use, so that it can be used for other metabolic processes. The energy savings will also reduce the need for energy and nutrients forming biosynthetic enzymes.
Easy Guide To Make Amino Acids and Knowing Benefits For Plants
Amino acids are the basic ingredient in protein biosynthesis. More than 20 types of amino acids play a role in the biosynthesis process. Some research suggests that the amino acid is directly or indirectly able to influence the activity of plant physiology. Amino acids can be applied by spraying the leaves, and watering on land. This will increase soil microbial activity, and support the process of assimilation of nutrients.

  • Increase resistance to stress (high temperatures, low humidity, drought, pest attack plants, frost, flood).
  • Protein synthesis.
  • Increase the content of chlorophyll.
  • Regulate stomatal opening (mouth leaves).
  • Chelating agent (binder) micro elements.
  • Raw materials hormone.
  • Help pollination and fruit set.
  • Increase soil microbial activity.
Environmental Stress Resistance
Environmental stress conditions such as high temperature, low humidity, drought, frost, pest attack, flood, or phytotoxic due to pesticides have a negative effect on plant metabolism that results in a decrease in the quality and quantity of crop production. Application of amino acids before, during, or after the occurrence of environmental stress will provide intake of amino acids that are directly related to the management of physiological stress in plants, so the plants are not disturbed metabolic processes. Proline play a role in the physiology of stress in plants.

Effect On Photosynthesis
Plants perform photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates. The low rate of photosynthesis which results in reduced synthesis of carbohydrate (photosynthate). Chlorophyll content was instrumental to the process of photosynthesis to the absorption of light energy. The higher the chlorophyll, the photosynthetic rate is also higher. Glycine and glutamic acid base compound in vegetative tissue formation and the synthesis of chlorophyll. Applications amino acids will increase the content of chlorophyll in the leaves so that the rate of photosynthesis becomes higher.

Chelation Nutrient
Amino acids have the effect of chelation of the micro-nutrients. Chelation is a chemical bond between the metal ion chelating agent. When applied together with micro-nutrients, absorption and transportation of micronutrients inside the plant easier. Glycine and glutamic acid is highly effective chelating agent.

Hormones and plant growth regulator
Amino acids are the compounds forming some hormones and growth regulators. Plant hormones such as auxin, cytokinin, gibberellin, and hormones associated with the formation of the interest generated by the synthesis of amino acids. Methionine is a precursor of ethylene, tryptophan is a precursor of auxin, Arginine induces the formation of flowering hormones.

Opening organize Stomata
Stomata mainly plays a role in gas exchange, regulation of water balance in plants through transpiration, helps the absorption of macro and micro elements. The process of opening and closing of stomata is regulated by external factors (temperature, CO2 content, light, and humidity) and internal factors (concentration of the amino acid, abscisic acid, etc.).

Stomata close when light and low humidity, high temperature. When stomata close, then the rate of photosynthesis and transpiration decreases, so that the absorption of macro and micro elements will decline. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes of plants which results in decreased crop production. Applications amino acids would make the stomata open longer so that there will be an increase in plant metabolism.

Soil Microbiology balance
Amino acids are nutrients for the soil microbes. Application of amino acids into the soil will increase the activity and microbial population, regulates the balance of microbes in the soil. Balance and high microbial activity in the soil will improve the mineralization of organic matter in the soil, thereby increasing soil fertility. Nutrient cycle is going well and the availability of nutrients to the plants become more numerous. The balance of soil microbiology is one key to improving the quality of the soil.

  • Blender materials containing protein (fish, snails, worms, soybean) with a water ratio of 1: 1.
  • Heat to a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius for 1 minute.
  • Cool and adjust the pH to 5.
  • Add a solution of the enzyme papain / meat tenderizer (papain 0.5% / 10% of papaya latex material).
  • Blend until smooth and blended.
  • Store in a closed container, opening and closing the container every day to remove the gas.
  • A week later can be used.
  • Concentration: 4 mL / liter for flush, 2 ml / liter to spray.
  • The frequency of application 1-2 weeks.
  • Can be poured into manure to improve the microorganisms.
  • For pH adjustment using Citric Acid and Acid Posphat (recommendation for horticultural crops). Citric Acid dose estimates about 2 grams per liter.
  • pH adjustment aims to reduce the unpleasant aroma alone, so when used alone (not industrial scale) pH does not need to be regulated.
  • Amino acids function as chelating agents (chelating agent) - micro elements would be bound so easily absorbed and reused by plants.
  • Papain and papaya latex can be replaced by a meat tenderizer products on the market or pineapple. Its function breaks down proteins into amino acids.
if you do not want to be bothered, you can use that are sold packaged, if confused search for it, you can search for Amino acid plants in here, and you can choose according to your wishes.

Knowing so little reviews Knowing Impact and How to Make Amino Acids For Plants, may be useful for the reader, and You do not want to forget to share this article to be more useful.