Saturday 12 March 2016

Easy Ways To Make Vortex Brewer Very Cheaply

Vortex brewer or compost tea brewer is one of the tools used to make compost tea. or to double the microbes, of course, very expensive costs us to buy it, but take it I've been practicing in making this tool but by using materials that are around us, and the result is the cost we spend turned out to be very cheap, and it turns out that considering only the aerator pump water only. Before we discuss how to make it we have to know in advance what are the benefits and the working principle of this vortex brewer tools, the following is my review a bit about the working principle and benefits of this tool.
"Vortex Brewer DIY","Compost Tea Brewer","Compost Tea Brewer Design Plans"

The working principle of vortex brewer:
Round water as stirring, mixing, extraction, and an increase in dissolved oxygen. coupled with good microbial nutrients, will increase the activity and microbial populations quickly within 48 hours of microbial populations can be increased less than 200x, and the process continued as biodynamic. So how long can you brew tea compost, you can use it with only 2 days.

Below is a few design vortex brewer.
"DIY Compost Tea Brewer","DIY Vortex Brewer","Vortex Brewer For Sale"

Easy Ways To Make Vortex Brewer Very Cheaply

Easy Ways To Make Vortex Brewer Very Cheaply

Easy Ways To Make Vortex Brewer Very Cheaply
Benefits Vortex brewer:
  • Make compost tea
  • Save-based fertilizers microbes (microbes multiply fast)
  • Make Liquid Organic Fertilizer
With this tool we can create potions bio activator, probiotics, multiply soil microbes fast, making liquid organic fertilizer, made botanical pesticides and various other ingredients that would be useful for agriculture, gardening, livestock, and fisheries, the most important thing in making it tailored to the herbs that you want to apply, for example, you want to give biofertilizers means you breed microbes that contribute to the growth of plants, for example, microbial PGPR, etc., you can buy inoculant or isolates alone in trying a cheap course.

My expectations may we all, friends of farmers, a gardening hobbyist who read my brief article is able to utilize nature for the sake of our independence a wise targeted and most importantly the cost we spend less.

Now that we know little about the working principle and the benefit let's discuss how to create a vortex brewer that in my place name booslem, here is what you need to do and prepare.

Standard tools:
for a capacity of 20 liters, can use a used bucket, the pipe maybe 1, 2 or 4, aerators can use that power to 18 watts. Power aerator adapted to the capacity of the tool vortex brewer you want to create, the more capacity compost tea that you make means the greater power of aerator is used, this function as providers of dissolved oxygen for the microbes, the more oxygen dissolved in the medium, the faster and good results are obtained.

Well, friends, we prepare ingredients for tool vortex brewer that this time I took as an example we create a tool vortex brewer which a capacity of 20 liters, I have a video tutorial to create a vortex brewer but its capacity of about 150 liters, then you can see as your guide making tool vortex brewer, my advice tailored to the needs of use on the land you, so do not go overboard in making potions both biofertilizers, organic manure, bio-insecticides, or bio-fungicide, the following materials and tools you need to prepare, for the tool I recommend not be fixed with what I said, you can take advantage of existing tools in your house and innovate itself if there are any questions can be asked and then we discuss.

Ingredients :
  • 1 piece bucket capacity of about 19-20 liters, you do not have to buy it, if at home there you can use it.
  • 1 stick of PVC pipe diameter of 1 inch (around $10), check PVC pipe prices on
  • 1 piece of PVC pipe glue (around $3 - $7), you can find an inexpensive course that confused you can find on PVC pipe glue
  • Small hose 1.5m (approximately $ 1 - $ 3) please just visit hose ketch if you look for it.
  • 1 piece air pump (aerators) 18watt (around $40), if you hunt for it, you can visit the air pump at
  • 2 pieces of pipe connections T, if hard to find you can pipe T.
  • 2 pieces of connection L, please choose Pipe L if you're looking for it.
  • 1 piece closes with a tip of hose insert quasi as a place, just go Cup Pipe and you can choose to get it.
  • 1 ball valve pipes.
So if the total cost is not until $80 to make this brewer vortex tools, and you can use it until it breaks, if there are more pipes cutting results you can make longer or use it to another. Let's compare it with the price of compost tea brewer for sale.

  • Pipe cutting tool
  • Solder to make a hole
Note: do not dwell with the equipment that I have to, you can take advantage of existing equipment at home that functions the same as the above equipment.

Next, we make three holes.
1 hole diameter of 1.6 cm in addition to the above, one hole 1.6 cm below the middle, and one hole again enter the closed jar for ventilation hose filter.
then we cut to a length of PVC pipe:
  • 10 cm 4 pieces
  • 14,5 cm 2 pieces
  • 35 cm 1 piece.
Description: This adjusts the size of the material you use.
Easy Ways To Make Vortex Brewer Very Cheaply

Easy Ways To Make Vortex Brewer Very Cheaply

Easy Ways To Make Vortex Brewer Very Cheaply
After we cut next we assemble one by one as in the photo, the photo below I take the example of the capacity of 150 liters, if still confused, you can see a video tutorial on how to easily create a vortex brewer video is also my video when creating the capacity 150 liters, but the principle is the same with the 20 liters in assembling tool vortex brewer.

note: to pipe L should be counterclockwise so that the whirlpool is generated also runs counter-clockwise, I can not explain in detail why must counter-clockwise, if you're still curious please you can find articles that discuss the benefits of rotation contrary clockwise.

with this tool, we can make organic fertilizer, pesticide plant only with a time of 2 days or 48 hours, but if you are lazy to make this tool you can buy ready-made with the cost of at least $ 90, But if you are busy and don't have time to make your own vortex brewer, you can buy vortex brewer on

After we make vortex brewer DIY, it would not hurt me a bit convey any benefits that we get after making potions or other fertilizers by means of vortex brewer, the following description.

The content of results vortex brewer
  • Top microbes (various species that make up the ecology of the soil, aiding in nutrient cycles, suppress the growth of pathogenic microbes, increasing the decomposition of organic matter, helps the formation of soil, stabilizes soil pH).
  • Microbes support (species of microbes that work together to support the major microbial performance, producing intermediate products used by major microbes).
  • Amino acids (nutrients of soil microbes, raw material enzymes, hormones/growth regulators).
  • Chitosan (induce plant resistance, supports the development of soil microbes).
  • Humic acid (microbial carrier material, improving soil cation exchange capacity, support the improvement of soil structure, increase nutrient retention).
  • Organic acids (helps leaching of nutrients bound).
  • Enzymes (a byproduct of microbial metabolism, dissolve P, degrade organic matter, break down proteins).
  • Anti-fungal agent (suppresses the development of pathogenic fungi).
  • Antibacterial substances (suppresses the development of pathogenic bacteria).
  • Hormone/growth regulators (auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins, substances that regulate plant growth).
  • Dissolved nutrients (macro and micronutrients that are readily absorbed by plants)
  • Vitamin.
Thus my brief discussion about Easy Ways To Make Vortex Brewer Very Cheaply, More or less I apologize if there are questions can be asked, either on video or in this article. And the last hope this article useful and wait for my next article about concocting compost tea which was nice, and I hope you succeed in making.

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