Tuesday 20 October 2015

Easy Ways to Make Organic Fertilizer Good and True

The use of organic fertilizer lately is so rapid and makes the need for organic fertilizer increase, I have said it is natural to look at the conditions that exist in our environment, in this case, agricultural land that is increasingly damaged, excessive use of chemical fertilizers with the addition of the use of pesticides and herbicides uncontrolled chemistry, even though they have the aim to increase agricultural productivity which turns out to be the result of reversing the decline in productivity and environmental damage which is more severe in this case the soil becomes damaged.

Damaged land is not only caused by the use of chemicals, but land use without being followed by maintenance also contributes to soil quality. Facts on the field there are still many farmers who do not provide organic material on the land, thus making the amount of organic matter in the soil less so that the soil fertility and health decrease.
organic fertilizer
Good soil condition is one of the success factors in crop cultivation, to find out the condition of our soil is good or there are no ways you can do it, for more details, please read how to measure soil fertility. The role of organic fertilizer for soil turned out to be very instrumental in improving soil fertility conditions, in practice I have proven it with increased crop yields. Improving soil conditions does indeed require a lot of time. From experience, it took me three years to improve soil conditions for the better and eliminate the dependence of chemical fertilizers. With patience caring for the soil through the provision of organic fertilizer on an ongoing basis, I finally feel the results with productivity and better quality of the harvest, and more importantly, I can get the harvest into healthy food.

Public awareness about healthy living by consuming healthy food also affects the increasing use of organic fertilizer as a medium for agriculture or organic gardening. With the use of organic fertilizer for plant, the yields are healthier for consumption.

Making organic fertilizer you can do by utilizing all organic materials, we also know that organic material is widely available around us and that we can use it to become organic fertilizer. Because basically all organic material can be used as organic fertilizer. And the question now is how to make organic fertilizer? Well I happen to have personal experience in making organic fertilizer using aerobic microbes (Streptomyces sp, Geobacillus sp, and Trichoderma sp), these microbes work in accelerating the breakdown of organic matter into organic fertilizer even though naturally it can, but you will need a long time.

Before we discuss how to make organic fertilizer that is good and right, we need to know in advance the benefits of organic fertilizer for plants, soil, and ecosystems are naturally in the soil.

Benefits of using organic fertilizer
  • Increasing productivity from agricultural land. Due with increased levels of organic matter and nutrients in the soil, then by itself soil will form a good, including properties, chemically and biological soil or agricultural land.
  • Increase cation exchange capacity, buffering capacity and water holding capacity
  • Organic fertilizers contain macro and microelements are more complete than with chemical fertilizers
  • Organic fertilizer will give life to the soil microorganisms
  • Has the ability to mobilize or bridging nutrients in the soil so that it will form the ion particles are easily absorbed by plants
  • Has the ability to release nutrient soil very slowly and continuously, so that will help prevent excess supply of nutrients that make the plant poisoning
  • Being able to keep moisture from the soil, thus reducing the pressure or stress on the plant soil structure
  • Being able to help prevent erosion of topsoil
  • Being able to maintain and take care of soil fertility
following my experience with the media to make organic fertilizer animal manure (goat):

     Material :
  • Animal manure (+ - 10 tons).
  • Bran / bran 25kg.
  • Decomposers 20 ltr (culture results) / 200ltr after dissolved with water (not tap water or that have been sterilized, can - can follow the bacteria die)
  • Husk (4 sacks).
    Tool - a tool used:
  • Hoe.
  • Spades.
  • Gloves (for those who fear dirty)
    The easy way of making organic fertilizers:
  • Place the organic material in the open field, if you do not have land to organic fertilizer you can use a compost tumbler because it is very suitable for that do not have a land area.
  • Make the first layer + - 25 cm evenly, then sprinkle bran and rice husk over the first layer evenly.
  • Flush bacteria or microbes in the top of the first layer up the average.
  • Puts a second layer on top of the first layer and is composed of organic material the same as the first layer and flush back microbial decomposers, and can be done like this until you run out of organic materials.
  • To speed up the composting on the 5th day to do a reversal/media mixing, if the media is dry you can flush it with water, and if the place you can get rice water then you can use this as rice water also contains nutrients for plants (for facilitate you get it you can provide a bucket or a place to store the water the rice from your neighbor who wants to cook rice).
  • To produce good results can be carried out at least until day 15 days /already 3x media processing by reversed the organic fertilizer (when media is hot if you can wait a few days until the condition is not hot, usually marked with colored materials blackened).
  • After the completion of the organic fertilizer is ready to use / its way to the ground.
description: the material composition can be adjusted to the conditions of organic materials that are around you / your liking.

So that was my experience on how to make organic fertilizer from waste animal manure, may be useful for you, and easy - I hope we can keep the soil to remain fertile in order to achieve the productivity and quality of agricultural products is getting better and certainly as a legacy for the generations after us. . Thanks "greeting Agriculture".