Tuesday 20 October 2015

Easy Ways Cassava Cultivation of Good and True

Cassava are not necessarily familiar to farmers, cassava is also has a high value of the selling price of the pack so many farmers prefer cassava as their garden plants. Cassava is also much that can be utilized as leaves are also the fruit, cassava itself can be used as chips for a snack, prepared to take his doubt, even to be eaten only by frying or steam, the leaves were also utilized by the mothers for vegetables, pan-fried or in vegetables coconut milk , But this time I am not to discuss the merits or content of cassava leaves, but this time I will discuss about how to plant cassava super good. Here's the explanation:
Cassava Cultivation

Conditions of Growth Cassava


To be able to grow optimally, cassava require 150 to 200 mm of rainfall at the age of 1-3 months, 250-300 mm in 4-7 months of age, and 100 to 150 mm in the phase leading up to and during harvest.
Minimum air temperature for the growth of cassava / cassava around 10 degrees C. If the temperature is below 10 degrees C causes little stunted plant growth, become stunted due to the growth rate is less than perfect.
Optimal air humidity for plant cassava / cassava between 60-65%.
Sunlight is needed for the crop cassava / cassava approximately 10 hours / day, especially for fertility leaf and tuber development.

Land preparation

· Soil most suitable for cassava / cassava is structured soil crusts, loose, not too tough and not too axle and rich in organic matter. Ground with crumb structure has good air system, nutrients are more readily available and easily processed.
· Type of land suitable for growing cassava / cassava is a kind of alluvial latosol, podzolic yellow red, mediterranean, grumosol and andosol.
· The degree of acidity (pH) of land suitable for the cultivation of cassava ranged from 4.5 to 8.0 with a pH of 5.8 is ideal. generally land in Indonesia low pH (acidic), which ranges from 4,0- 5,5, so it is often said to be fairly neutral for the proliferation of cassava plant.

Land processing

  • Analyzing the type of soil samples or sample of soil that will be planted to determine the availability of nutrients, organic matter content.
  • Determination of the schedule / time of planting closely related to the time of harvest. This needs to be taken into account by assuming the time of planting along with other crops (intercropping), so it can simultaneously produce multiple variations of similar plants.
  • Growing areas tailored to the needs of each farmer's capital and cassava. Setting an important production volume also taken into account because it is closely related to the estimated time of harvest and the market price.
Opening and clearing of land:
  • Clearings in essence is the clearing of all weeds (Plant bully) and the roots of the previous crop.
  • The purpose of land clearance for easy growing plant roots and eliminate the host plants for pests and diseases that allow no.
Formation of Beds:
  • Before the formation of the soil in the beds if prior to the reversal of the land, can hoe or by using land-processing machine.
  • The pile is built on land currently has 70% of lasting settlement. Ditches done to facilitate planting in accordance with the desired size.
  • Seedbed to facilitate the formation of plant maintenance, such as cleaning of weeds and healthy development of the plant itself.
Preparation Seed
  • Use varieties that have high yield potential, preferred by consumers, and is suitable for the investor (experience friends using cassava variety elephant).
  • Cassava originated from parent plants are quite old (10-12 months).
  • Cassava should be the normal growth and healthy and uniform.
  • Has woody stems and ± 2.5 cm in diameter straight.
  • Not to grow new shoots.

Planting Techniques
  • Planting must pay attention to the season and rainfall. On dry land / dry, the best planting time is the beginning of the rainy season or after rice planting. Spacing used in monokulturan pattern is 80 x 120 cm.
  • Before the seeds are planted suggested that seeds soaked with PGPR biological fertilizer mixed with water for 3-4 hours. After that the new planting on land, it is very good for the growth of seedlings.
  • Planting is done with a sharpened lower end Cassava cuttings, then plant a depth of 20 cm with a slope of 15 degrees.
Plant Care
  • Stitching.
Perform stitching namely by removing and replacing or embroidered. Stitching is done in the morning or late afternoon, when the weather is not too hot.
  • Weeding
Weeding aims to dispose of all types of grass / weeds / weeds growing around the plant. In one season, a minimum of 2 times dilakuakan weeding. Critical period or periods plants must be free of weeds is between 5-10 weeks HST (Days After Planting). If the plant peengganggu uncontrolled during this critical period, productivity can drop up to 75% when compared to conditions without interruption of wild plant / bully.
  • Tilling the soil
Do this by loosening the soil around the plant and thereafter made like bumps. Pembubunan along with weeding time, this can save costs. If the soil around the tree eroded because of the rain or because of another, it is necessary to re hoarding.
  • Pruning
Pruning shoots need to be done because each tree must have a minimum of 2 or 3 branches, it is that the trunk of the tree can be used as seed again the next planting season.
  • Fertilization
Fertilizing should be done with Manure + - 10 tons / ha of mature and NPK fertilizer 80gr / tree until harvest.

Other articles : how to make your own organic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer.
  • Irrigation and Watering
Cassava land conditions from the beginning of planting until the age of 4-5 months HST (Days After Planting) state daam always moist, but not too muddy. On dry soils need watering and irrigation. In the dry season, watering is done by direct flush but this can damage the mound at the base of the tree, the better is the system in order for the pool of water can seep into the ground.


  • Characteristics and Harvest
Cassava can be harvested when the lower leaf growth begins to decline. The color of the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off a lot. Harvesting cassava plant has reached 6-8 months and 9-12 months Dwarf varieties to varieties in.
  • How to Harvest
Cassava is harvested by removing the stems and bulbs left was taken with a hoe or fork ground.


  • Collection
Yields are collected in a strategic location, safe and easy to reach by public transport.
  • Sorting and classification
Selection or sorting cassava tubers can actually be done at the time of revocation takes place. But sorting cassava tubers can be done after all the trees removed and stored in a place. Sorting is done to choose bulbs colored bulbs clean look of the skin fresh and that defect is particularly noticeable on the size of the size of the bulbs and black spots / lines on the tuber flesh.

Thus a glimpse about the Easy Ways Cassava Cultivation of Good and True, may be useful to share experience ..