Wednesday 11 November 2015

Knowing and Understanding Drip Irrigation Systems as a Solution to Increase Production In Drought

Development of the agricultural sector today is directed towards an efficient and resilient agriculture, given the need for agricultural products continues to increase in line with population growth. Dryland farming is an activity that a lot of repetition barriers cultivation. One inhibiting factor is the lack of water. Dry land is a parcel of land that can be used for agriculture by using water as a limited and usually only expect from rainfall. Further dry land with only 4-5 months of wet categorized quite risky for the development of crops as well as for horticulture, although the land potential for the development of animal husbandry. The success in increasing the production of horticultural crops can not be separated from the role of irrigation is one of the important production factors. Efforts to achieve production targets on the one hand, and the right technology and low on the other hand has encouraged the use of excessive water without considering the efficient use of available resources. Technology in the field of irrigation is one of the determining factors in efforts to increase agricultural production, especially in the dryland farming. Therefore, in line with the development and progress in the field of irrigation, the irrigation technology which is commonly done by farmers needs to be refined based on the latest research and assessment.
Knowing and Understanding Drip Irrigation Systems as a Solution to Increase Production In Drought

During the dry season, the lands of rainfed cultivated with Watermelon, Long Bean, Chilli Red, Cucumbers etc. by using the open channel irrigation system with water from wells drilled is sucked by the pump engines (generally gasoline). Open channel irrigation systems are inefficient irrigation systems in the utilization of the water, even some literature says only about 10% of the water supplied is absorbed by plant roots, the rest (90%) is wasted through percolation, evaporation etc. Moreover, if the water pump engine placement too close together, in a few days and then the water becomes difficult to exploit, so the use of the pump engine becomes superfluous.

To overcome the above, the chosen alternative to using water-saving irrigation system is drip irrigation system with raw materials procurement network comes entirely from the area. Drip irrigation system can achieve 95% efficiency in the absorption of water by plants. Irrigation network using pipes PVC / PVC which are then removed from the water pipe using a plastic screw dropper dropper regulator, which dripped on nearby plants. Source water comes from wells drilled smoked with an electric water pump.

Calculation of the amount of water requirements for the survival of plants or often termed the modulus of irrigation, is a stage of calculation started designing an irrigation system whether they are open to rely on the laws of gravity and that are closed with a piping equipped with the technique of pumping to provide pressure enough for water drainage. Modulus irrigation of a plant, the calculations have not entered a factor in efficiency due to the loss of water due to irrigation systems that are used as the evaporation, percolation etc. Modulus irrigation of a crop will be different from other plants, also important is the state of precipitation and evaporation in the location of aquaculture activities take place. Analysis carried out after the modulus irrigation cropping pattern and cropping calendar of crops to be cultivated determined.

Cropping patterns and crop calendars good will optimize irrigation modulus of each type of crop, thus optimizing well as the efficient use of irrigation water. An area of ​​land planted with various types of plants will require treatment of irrigation water management is complex and must be integrated in order to fulfill the water needs for growing different types of crops cultivated. Therefore, apart from irrigation modulus calculation analysis needs to be done analysis of irrigation interval calculations that depend on the type of soil of cultivated land, especially the rate of depletion of the soil water content. The drip irrigation system is a system that uses a tube and drippers to deliver water at low pressure directly to the plant roots. This prevents stagnant water plants, water supply drip irrigation will flow drop by drop at a very slow speed and maintaining the necessary air soil by plant roots for healthy growth.

One of the secrets of making plants lush and healthy is by flowing water is often up to the roots. Very good drip irrigation system is used for flowers, vegetables, trees, shrubs and greenhouse plants, because system continuous flow water drop by drop. by using this system we will save a lot of time and money because we do not need excessive water flush every time it would be a waste of the water supply and make crops damaged. It's easy to automate drip irrigation by adding a battery-operated timer and saves valuable time for other tasks more important. Digital timer can be set to turn on automatically at any time of day and for as long as necessary.

Drip irrigation system works with low pressure, low volume sprayers are ideal to keep the plant moist seed. Very easy to use. with features to automate battery-operated drip irrigation with a timer so that saves you valuable time for other tasks more important. Digital timer can be set to turn on automatically at any time of day and for as long as necessary.

Pros and Cons Drip Irrigation
In the drip irrigation only the root zone of plants are given water, and with proper management in the percolation loss to be minimal. Evaporation from the soil could be lower because only a portion of the surface area of ​​the wet ground. Lower labor requirements and the system can be operated automatically. Percolation and evaporation loss reduction will generate economical water use. Weeds are easier to control, especially in the area of ​​land that is not irrigated. Bacteria, pests and other diseases that depend on a humid environment can be reduced, because parts of the plants that are above the soil generally dry.

The main weaknesses of drip irrigation is the high cost and blockage in the system components, especially emitters for small soil particles, biological and chemical materials. Emitter does not work so well for certain crops and problems caused salinity. Salts tend to accumulate around the edges of a wet surface. Because these systems are usually only wet part of the potential volume of soil-roots, plant roots can be limited only to the volume of land near each emitter (Schwab, 1992).

An area of ​​dry land between the emitter lateral network can cause the formation of dust from the processing operations and soil erosion by wind. Compared with surface irrigation system, in this case the necessary workforce with higher skills to operate and maintain the filtration equipment and other specialized components.

1. Drip Irrigation
This technique is relatively new because when I was little are not familiar with the technique of drip irrigation, irrigation alternative emerged after the problems water supply is limited while the plants can get water in the number is not too large as perennials area barren, but to meet the water needs even though few can pursued with this drip irrigation techniques. Even this method to be applied to growing ornamental plants and fruit in pots. The trick with tears to flow that has been set up to facilitate the monitoring could be discharged within how many days the water in the container is to be refilled.
Knowing and Understanding Drip Irrigation Systems as a Solution to Increase Production In Drought
2. Infiltration Technique
This is the childhood experience in which a neighbor put the pot of water beside the plants during the dry season, it turns out that plants can survive on the water supply of the pot that when lifted the bottom of the pot, although not flowing wet or damp. This technique can be developed using other more dense container is not porous by providing small holes to let liquids absorbed by plants. This method has not been my practice only in fantasy.

3. Irrigation Injection
Injecting irrigation technique is widely used for fertilization as did my friends when caring for durian trees, because the injected fluid also serves as a direct irrigation or irrigation. The trick circulate water through a hose into the skin of plants that have been drilled.
Knowing and Understanding Drip Irrigation Systems as a Solution to Increase Production In Drought
4. Irrigation Hanging
Irrigation hanging many of us encounter in mountainous areas, but the proper name for this irrigation technique is not really a suspension for using a pipe that given buffer. But the name is more popular as a name given to irrigation vanderwijk with different names, there are named thud severally, those who said irrigation hanging. Hanging irrigation name more appropriate to link the two heights such as cliffs two sides then placed bamboo or wood liaison between two cliffs to hang pipes.

5. Irrigation Pump
This is the new trend of people in our area near the river, when the dry season farmers irrigate cultivated land use engine pump takes water from rivers or wells.

if you want to apply this technique to be applied to agricultural land and need the equipment you have, you can visit Drip irrigation tools in here, and you can choose according to your needs agricultural land.

Thus I can say about Knowing and Understanding Drip Irrigation Systems as a Solution to Increase Production In the dry season, more or less I apologize for my limited knowledge, if there is no question please fill in the comments, we can share information.