Wednesday 2 December 2015

About the Lily Flower and Plant Cultivation Method Lily Right

About Flower Lily
The name lily or Lilium is the Latin form is derived from the Greek word leirion. White color looks pure. Lids and shrink large, beautifully curved and graceful. Each bloom, always open perfectly. The scent was soft, make the heart feel calm.
About the Lily Flower and Plant Cultivation Method Lily Right

Lily or Lilium flower is actually the flower of summer. This beautiful flower beautify your garden with bright colors and fragrant scent. This beautiful flower is known since ancient Greece. Name Lily or Lilium is the Latin form is derived from the Greek word, Leirion. At first Lily grow in the plains of the Mediterranean and West Asia, almost every house there adorned with the beauty of this flower. Even then, this interest developed in the area of ​​agriculture. Lily deployment covers an area of ​​Europe and covers an area of ​​Northern Mediterranean, passing to most of Asia to Japan, India, and the southern Philippines. And has now spread to southern Canada through the United States.

Lily flowers are flowering plants that grow from bulbs. There are about 100 species of lilies. Light-colored and has a distinctive fragrance that makes this flower is often grown as ornamental plants or cut flowers. But besides admired for the beautiful flower shape, there are several types of lily are sometimes planted and harvested tubers only to be taken away.

Lily plants are very easy to grow, some varieties can be found growing wild in large numbers. Lily plants need a period of cold to actively develop. This means that they grow best in areas that get at least mild winter air. Lily plants need air moist and slightly acidic soil.

These plants can adjust to forest habitats, often mountain, and sometimes habitat grass. Some are able to live in a swamp. In general, this plant is more suitable to stay in the habitat with soil containing acid levels balanced. Lily flower more tolerant of dry conditions than other cut flower crops. but if too dry will adversely affect the lily plant, the leaves will turn yellow and the flowers will fall. Water containing fluorine too much will damage the leaves. Therefore, watering should be arranged so that the media is not too dry and not too wet.

Morphology Lily plant
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: liliales
Family: Liliaceae
Genus: Lilium
About the Lily Flower and Plant Cultivation Method Lily Right
There are some plants that are also referred to as the lily, but it is actually much different form or kind of lily truth. Lily of the popular types are as follows:

Asiatic lilies, madonna lily, tiger lily, oriental trumpet, rubrum lily, canna lily (tropical), daylily, calla lily, and wild lily. Asiatic lily and oriental lilies are more common northern hemisphere.
According to its own shape, broadly there are three forms of the lily:
  • Bowl shaped: flower petals splay out and the flowers are very large.
  • Trumpet shaped: flower petals form a tube and curved at one end, like a trumpet.
  • Turks cap-shaped: flower petals rolled out (very curvy).
Meanwhile, according to the species, in general there are four types of lily:
  • Lilium regale, sometimes known as the regal lily, or Lilium regale trumpet. Has a trumpet-shaped flowers are white with a yellow base and a fragrant scent.
  • Liliumhenryi, is a species of Chinese orange strapping shaped and usually bloom a lot.
  • Liliumcandidum, from the Middle East. Very fragrant and very popular.
  • Liliumlancifolium, Turk's Cap shaped orange with dark spots.
Lily or lilium flower is very beautiful flowers. In addition to beautiful flowers, this flower also has some efficacy to heal some of the wounds and the treatment of others.
Lily is very easy to grow, some varieties can be found growing wild in large numbers. Lily requires the active period of cold to thrive. This means that they grow best in areas that get at least mild winter air. Lily need air moist and slightly acidic soil.
These plants can adjust to forest habitats, often mountain, and sometimes habitat grass. Some are able to live in a swamp. In general, this plant is more suitable to stay in the habitat with soil containing acid levels balanced. Lily flower more tolerant of dry conditions than other cut flower crops. but if too dry will adversely affect the lily plant, the leaves will turn yellow and the flowers will fall. Water containing fluorine too much will damage the leaves. Therefore, watering should be arranged so that the media is not too dry and not too wet.
  • Helps to heal and eliminate scars on the skin, such as burns, injuries from falls. And excess, Lily can heal wounds without scars. Smooth your skin will return to normal.
  • Saponin generally found in legumes and grains. Saponins serves to inhibit cancer growth and help regulate cholesterol levels. This saponin also contained in Lily, that's why there are some cosmetic products that take advantage of the lily to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the skin (especially if the skin is too often exposed to direct sunlight spotlight).
  • Lily flower extract may help maintain skin moisture, providing special care for dry skin, skin irritation and sensitive skin.
Polysaccharides are also contained in this interest is included in the hydrocolloid group, its function helps to increase the viscosity and stability of water moisture in the skin. In the skin, this polysaccharide withstand water levels that exist in order to remain in a balanced amount.

According to Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma Efficacious in his Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, the chemical properties of the lily is cold, sweet and slightly bitter. Pharmacological effects of this plant is conceived as a cough (antitussive) and tranquilizers (sedatives).
Some diseases that can overcome these flowers are coughing, swelling and ulcers, tonsillitis, inflammation of the respiratory tract, pneumonia, asthma, stomach pain, chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain after childbirth, acne, and others.
To cure a cough, is easy enough, take 10 grams of lily bulbs, 10 grams of dried mandarin orange peel, boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, add 5 grams of ground orchid bulbs, stirring, then drink while warm.
If coughing because of influenza, 10 grams of lily bulbs plus 5 grams of dried leaves menthol and 7 pieces of betel leaf, boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered, then drink while warm.
To cope with whooping cough (pertussis), 15 grams of lily bulbs and brown sugar to taste boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered and then water is drunk while warm.
Well let's plant the lilies in addition to decorate our homes can also be used as an ingredient oabata.

Lily Flower Cultivation Techniques
There are several stages in the cultivation of lilies, as follows:

Seed Selection Stage Bulbs
After harvest, seed tubers will be planted selected and planted immediately to choose bulbs that do not have an outer layer called the tunic that protects the tubers from the drought. The faster the lily bulbs planted the faster growth. Please visit if you are looking for lily plant seeds

Stage Hole Making Plant
Lily plant loves the sun, but the tuber prefer cool all summer. Dig a hole as deep as 10-15 cm, the deeper the better, because not only can protect the tubers from the heat but also will provide a good buffer for lily stems. Lily can be grown well in the mound of earth. Lily planting in the ground, then cover with soil after 10-15 cm. In this way will also help better drainage. Spacing of about 15 cm so that the sunlight is not blocked anything. Land on the basis of manure sown hole in it, and then place the lily bulbs and cover with soil or compost. Flush lily plant until the soil becomes moist thus making lily growth will be encouraged.

Giving Phase Mulch
If the air temperature will be cold or hot, put a layer of mulch over the plants to protect roots. Trumpet lily most susceptible to cold. Make sure the mulch you use free of snails. These animals love to eat lily emerging.

Fertilization Stage
Currently lily roots begin to grow, add a balanced fertilizer into the soil. Lily is a plant that is strong enough and does not require much fertilizer. In fact, too much nitrogen can cause the stem to be weak and in hot temperatures will also cause tuber decay. For optimal results, choose a fertilizer used for root crops such as potatoes. Give fertilizer when the first roots begin to grow, then again a month later.

Stage Watering
Lily generally do not require too much water, so give water only if necessary. Asiatic lily, trumpet, and orienpet can bloom in hot and dry weather as long as enough water during flowering. Oriental lily needs water during the summer because of this kind of lily will not bloom until August. Provide mulch throughout the summer will help cool the bulbs, thereby reducing the need for water.

Lily Plant Pruning stage
During the flowering season, prune your plants and allow at least 2/3 lily stem intact so that your plants can still grow well during the following years. To trim the lily plant, first spray the leaves with a fungicide roses you can buy at the grocery store or hardware store crops. 1/3 Cut flower stems together and let the rest continue to grow in the ground. By doing so, lily bulbs will still get the nutrients needed to produce flowers again next year. For optimal water drainage, make a mound of flowers with potting soil. This mound should be at least 13 cm above the ground and is also large enough to plant lily bulbs as directed. This method will work especially well if you plant the lily in areas that can not dry quickly after rain. Lily can be planted at any time throughout the year as long as the ground is not solid. In his first year, may be too late blooming lily, but in the next year will be blooming lily usually in about June.

Lily has many benefits, among others, as the flowers of decorative pieces for weddings, inauguration, can also be a beautiful bouquet. As a cosmetic ingredient, saponins generally found in legumes and grains. Saponins serves to inhibit cancer growth and help regulate cholesterol levels. This saponin also contained in the lily, that's why there are some cosmetic products that take advantage of the lily to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the skin (especially if the skin is too often exposed to direct sunlight spotlight). Lily flower extract may help maintain skin moisture, providing special care for dry skin, skin irritation and sensitive skin. In addition, the lily also contains polysaccharides which are included in the hydrocolloid group, its function helps to increase the viscosity and stability of the water moisture in the skin. In the skin, this polysaccharide withstand water levels that exist in order to remain in a balanced amount. Lily can be used as a medicine, helps heal and get rid of scars on the skin, such as burns and injuries from falls. The surplus, lily can heal wounds without scars. Lily is also used as a perfume maker. With so many benefits of lily, it is no wonder that many people cultivate them for various purposes.

Thus a brief description of About the Lily Flower and Plant Cultivation Method Lily Right, hopefully what is presented can be useful to readers, and do not forget to share it with others.