Tuesday 17 November 2015

Application of Biological Fertilizer and Organic Fertilizer in Increasing Agricultural Production

The application of biological fertilizer and organic fertilizer in increasing agricultural production, Each plant requires at least 16 elements or substances for normal growth, of 16 elements, the three elements (C, O, H) is obtained from the air, and 13 other elements obtained from the soil (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cl, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Mo). Of the 13 elements are elements taken only six plants in large amounts (macro elements), namely N, P, K, S, Ca, and Mg.

The main nutrients that plants need a lot but the amount or its availability is often lacking or insufficient in the soil is N, P, and K. Therefore, these three elements are added in the form of fertilizer. Land can be defined as a natural medium for plant growth which consists of minerals, organic materials and living organisms. Excessive application of chemical fertilizers and continuously can have negative impacts on soil and environmental conditions. But in reality, modern agriculture relies heavily on the use of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides to increase yields. Therefore, to reduce the negative impact, the organic fertilizer that contains microbial (biological fertilizer) can be used as an alternative to the use of chemical fertilizers.

Bio fertilizer
Biological fertilizer is fertilizer that is alive, as the name suggests this is a fertilizer that fertilizer is the main content of microorganisms. Manure as a fertilizer which is believed to be special because it has many functions, as well as the supply of plant nutrients, fertilizers can also serve as protection of plants, decompose chemical residues and various other positive benefits.

Biological fertilizer consists of the active ingredient inoculant living organism that serves to tie up certain nutrients or facilitating the availability of nutrients in the soil for plants. This is for some people, it is not appropriate fertilizer referred to as fertilizer, why? Because in the process, it only adds to the nutrient fertilizer, fertilizer while it itself has no nutrients.
In other languages ​​is called bio fertilizer biological fertilizer and bio-fertilizer call. The content in this type of fertilizer are microorganisms that have a positive role for the plant.

Microbial group is often used to tie up the N from the air, microbes that dissolve nutrients (especially P and K) as well as groups of microbes that stimulate plant growth. Biological fertilizer can also be combined with some kind of specific carrier materials as a medium living or growing of microbes contained therein.
Working Mechanism Bio fertilizer
Fertilizers microbiological fertilizer is not unusual that directly improve soil fertility by adding nutrients to the soil. Fertilizers microbiological work through the activity of microorganisms present in the microbiological fertilizer. Microorganism is the one who works in accordance with the "expertise" of its respectively. Such microorganisms, some have "expertise" tie up nitrogen from the air, which has "expertise" outlines Phosphate and Potassium artifacts in the soil, so that the molecules of the compound Phosphate or Potassium great that it describes a compound Phosphate and Potassium simple, which can be absorbed by plants , Without these microorganisms, or Potassium Phosphate compounds contained in the soil, it will not be absorbed by plants. Besides, there are microorganisms "experts" to produce plant growth regulators, or "experts" to produce an anti-pest. Microorganisms in microbiological fertilizer restore natural nutrient cycles of soil and organic material to form soil. Through the use of microbiological fertilizers, healthy plants can be grown while improving sustainability and soil health. Besides, there are types of microorganisms that have the ability to decompose organic matter, so it is great utilized to accelerate the composting process. And, do not also forget the types of microorganisms that can absorb heavy metals, so it is great utilized for bio remediation process of heavy metal contaminated land.

Benefits of Using Biological Fertilizer
As described above, there are a lot of soil microorganisms have "expertise" respectively. However, the use of chemical fertilizers continuous and excessive, can kill microorganisms that had to be naturally in the soil. Therefore, in soils that have poor microorganism, biological fertilizer is one of the best ways and important in efforts to improve soil fertility. The use of biological fertilizers will not leave residues on the crop that is safe for human health. In addition the use of biological fertilizers is expected to improve soil health, stimulate plant growth and increase crop production.

you are interested in applying biological fertilizer for the soil and your plants.? you can try using mycorrhizal microbes because these microbes is very good in the formation of plant roots to be very good, plants are given these microbes roots will grow very fast and torrential. if you are confused to find this microbial starter you can visit mycorrhizae inoculum there are many choices of starter mycorrhizal wide range of packing, so you can choose according to the needs of your plants.

Organic fertilizer
Organic fertilizer is defined as the fertilizer is partially or entirely derived from plant or animal that has been through the engineering process, can be solid or liquid that is used to supply organic matter to improve the physical, chemical and biological soil. Organic fertilizers have a variety of types and variants. The types of differentiated organic fertilizer from raw materials, methods of manufacture and form. In terms of raw material is made of animal manure, forage or a mixture of both. There are a lot of methods of making such a variety of aerobic compost, Bokashi, and so forth. While the side there is a tangible form of powder, liquid or granules or tablets.
Organic fertilizer technology is growing rapidly these days. This development could not be separated from the impact of the use of chemical fertilizers that cause a variety of problems, ranging from the destruction of ecosystems, loss of soil fertility, health problems, the problem of dependence of farmers on fertilizer. Therefore, the use of organic fertilizer invited back to address these problems.

The types of organic fertilizers
On various types of organic fertilizer used by farmers in the field. In general, organic fertilizers distinguished by shape and constituent materials. In terms of form, there is a liquid organic fertilizer and solid. While the views of the constituent materials are green manure, manure and compost.

a. Green manure
Green manure is a fertilizer that is derived from the weathering of plants, both plant crop residues, or plants deliberately planted for organic materials. Plants used for green manure of species including legumes (beans) and aquatic plants (Azola). Types of plants have been because it contains nutrients, especially nitrogen, high and rapidly decomposes in the soil.

The application of green manure can be directly embedded into the ground or through the composting process. On dry land or dry land, the farmers used to grow leguminos, such as ki rain, as the garden fence. In certain moments the hedges trimmed to take the organic material. Forage from legume plants can be directly applied to the soil as fertilizer. Meanwhile, in paddy fields farmers usually use Azola as green manure. Azola is a water fern plants that grow wild in the fields. These plants live in soil that contains a lot of water. Azola can be directly used as fertilizer by means embedded into the soil during land preparation.

b. Manure
Manure is a fertilizer derived from animal waste such as poultry, cattle, buffalo and goats. In general manure are distinguished by animal feces and pee pee. Examples of animal urine is cow, goat and buffalo. Animals that do not urinate most of fowl such as chickens, ducks and duck.

Characteristics of animal waste pee decay time is relatively longer, lower nitrogen content, but rich in phosphorus and potassium. Manure this type suitable for use in plants taken fruit or seeds such as cucumbers, beans, and fruit crops. While the characteristics of animal waste that does not piss faster decay time, high nitrogen content, but less rich in phosphorus and potassium. Manure is suitable to be applied to this type of leaf vegetable crops such as lettuce, spinach and kale.

Manure is widely used as a base fertilizer plant because of the availability of abundant and easy manufacturing process. Manure does not require such a long process of making compost. Manure fairly muted until the situation is dry and mature before it is applied to land.

c. Compost
Compost is a fertilizer produced from the decay of organic material through biological processes with the help of decomposing organisms. Decomposers or decomposers organisms may be microorganisms. Microorganisms decomposers can be a bacteria, fungus or mold. While macro organisms decomposers of the most popular is the earthworm. Viewed from the manufacturing process, there are two methods of making compost is aerobic process (involving air) and anaerobic processes (not involving air).

Nowadays composting technology has been growing rapidly. Various variants of decomposers and their method of manufacture are found. So that the compost produced manifold, for example Bokashi fertilizers, vermicompost, organic liquid fertilizer and organic fertilizer tablets. Compost can be made easily, please read how to make compost. Even some types of compost can be made from household waste, such as manure and compost Bokashi takakura.

if you need compost / organic fertilizer ready for use, you can visit the organic fertilizer packs or in here Asian region, and you can choose according to the needs for land or your plants.

d. Bio-organic fertilizer
Biological fertilizer is a fertilizer consisting of a living organism that has the ability to improve soil fertility and produce essential nutrients for plants. In the Minister of Agriculture of biological fertilizers are not classified as organic fertilizer but rather as an effort to improve soil fertility, see the explanation in terms of biological fertilizer. However, in its application in the field is often regarded as an organic fertilizer.

Bio fertilizer works unlike ordinary organic fertilizer that can directly improve soil fertility by providing nutrients to plants. The natural fertilizers provide nutrients through the gradual process by binding to the N elements of the atmosphere, dissolving phosphorus and synthesize other substances that plants need. Thus, the biological fertilizer soil fertilization cycles will be ongoing and sustainable basis.

Biological fertilizer is made by isolating certain bacteria such as Azotobacter choococum functioning N binding elements, Bacillus megaterium bacteria that can dissolve and Bacillus mucilaginous P element that can dissolve an element of K. The microorganisms can be obtained in forest land, mountains or source- other sources.

Thus, the use of organic fertilizer has a lot of benefits when applied in fertilizing agricultural crop land. The emphasis on the use of organic fertilizers and sustainable continuous basis will provide advantages and benefits in the long-term use:
  • Organic fertilizers can play a role to mobilize or bridge the existing nutrient ground so as to form the ion particles are readily absorbed by plant roots.
  • Organic fertilizers play a role in the release of soil nutrients slowly and continuously so as to help and prevent an explosion supply of nutrients that can make plants become poisoned.
  • Organic fertilizer helps maintain soil moisture and reduce the pressure or tension structure of the soil on the roots of plants
  • Organic fertilizers can improve soil structure in terms of the composition of the soil particles that are in a more stable and tends to increase as the soil structure was instrumental in the movement of water and air particles in the soil, beneficial microorganisms activity, root growth and seed germination.
  • Organic fertilizer helps prevent topsoil erosion which is a layer containing a lot of nutrients.
  • The use of organic fertilizer also plays an important role in treating / maintaining soil fertility levels are already in circumstances of excessive fertilization with inorganic fertilizers / chemicals in the soil.
  • Organic fertilizers play a positive role in maintaining widespread loss of nutrients Nitrogen and phosphorus dissolved in the soil.
  • The existence of organic fertilizers are available in abundance and readily available.
However, it should also be realized that the advantages and benefits that are not available over the double in the use of pure bio fertilizers / organic / chemical. The best step is to combine the use of chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers, and biological fertilizers appropriately so that the initial goal to increase soil fertility and increase productivity of agricultural crops evident, or so-called merger of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

Similarly, a brief review I can say on the Application of Biological Fertilizer and Organic Fertilizer in Increasing Agricultural Production, hopefully can be useful for the readers, do not forget to share this short article to get more useful. And I wait comments readers to discuss and learn together about the farm with the comments that have been provided.