Tuesday 20 October 2015


If you noticed in the market, has a lot of ingredients that you can use to cook instead? Moreover chili is one of the agricultural commodities whose prices fluctuate widely. It's that lure people to plant chilies, whether for sale or simply to supply their own. Unfortunately for those who live in urban arable land availability is very limited. But this can be overcome by planting chillies in pots or polybags.

How to plant chillies in pots or polybags fairly easy to do. Planting chillies can be done both in the highlands and the lowlands. Generally plant chilies can be done at an altitude of 0-2000 meters above sea level. The optimal temperature for chili plants is in the range of 24-27oC, but still able to withstand temperatures of more than that. The properties depend on the type of chilli varieties.

One type of chili is suitable for planting in the garden is curly chili. This type is relatively more resistant to tropical climate and spicy taste much favored in the market. Here we describe how to plant chilli curls in a polybag.

Selection of seeds
In the market many kinds of chili curly varieties, ranging from hybrids to local varieties. How to plant local chilli and hybrids do not have a significant difference. Only a few chillies hybrids recommended products treated with certain drugs.
From a technical standpoint, how to plant chilli local curling simpler and anti complicated than how to plant hybrid chili. Local chilli conditions are more adaptive to the environment than hybrid chili. It's just still lost productivity hybrid, but can be maximized in order to maintain the productivity is not lost with hybrid.

How to plant chillies in pot or polybags should not be done directly from seeds or beans. First of all chilli seeds should be seeded first. The seeding process for selecting the point of growth of the seed, separating the seeds that grow stunted, deformed or diseased. In addition, to wait until fairly resistant readiness seed planted in a bigger place.

Polybag nursery place can be a big size, nurseries, or plot of land. The most economical way is to prepare a plot of land for seedbed media. Create a plot of land with size taste, mix compost with the soil and mix until blended. Soil granules made as smooth as possible so that the roots can penetrate easily. Create the mapped thickness of 5-10 cm, on top of the line for a distance of 10 cm.

Enter chilli seeds in the bolt with a distance of 7.5 cm and then flush to wet the soil and cover with ash or soil. Afterwards cover with wet burlap sacks for 3-4 days, keep that remains wet jute sacks. On day 4 of seedlings will emerge from the soil surface, then open the sack. Plots should be protected by a transparent plastic to protect the trees are still small chili from excessive heat and direct rain water spray. Chilli plants ready to be moved to a big polybag after 3-4 weeks old, or the plants already have 3-4 leaves.

Preparation of planting medium

Select polybag measuring over 30 cm, so that the planting medium strong enough to support the growth of green chilli plants. Besides polybag, can also be used pot of plastics, cement, soil, or ceramic. Or you can also use a second-hand containers that are not used anymore, put a hole in the bottom of the container for drainage channels.
How to plant chillies in polybag can use planting medium from a mixture of soil, compost, manure, rice husks, rice husk, and others.

Some examples of the composition of growing media which are (1) Mixed soil with compost with a composition of 2: 1, (2) Mixed soil, manure, and rice husk with the composition of 1: 1: 1, or (3) A mixture of soil and manure composition of 2: 1. When using manure, you should choose a fertilizer that has matured. Create a planting medium as smooth as possible by way sift.

Transplanting seedlings
Once the plant seeds and planting medium are ready, remove the seeds from the chilli plant nursery into a polybag. Perform this work in the morning or late afternoon, when the sun is not too hot to avoid stress on the plants.
Do transplanting with caution, lest damage to the plant roots. Make the planting hole 5-7 cm deep in polybag. If the nursery is done over polybag or banana leaves, banana leaves dislodged polybag and then input the entire land into a seedbed into the planting hole. If the nursery is done over the plot of land or a tray, remove the soil attached to the roots and enter into the planting hole.

Maintenance and care
  • Fertilization, provide additional fertilizing with a dose of one tablespoon of compound fertilizer (for a period of growth, the plants require more nitrogen, whereas when the period of fruiting plants require more elemental potassium) per polybags every month. Or if you want to plant chillies organically, instead spray a liquid organic fertilizer during the growth of leaves and fruit growth (See also how to make liquid organic fertilizer). Add a clod compost or manure when the plants would bear fruit.
  • Watering, chilli plants should be watered at least 3 days. When the sun was shining, flush the plant every day.
  • Provision of bamboo stakes, after the chilli plant grows about 20 cm, provide bamboo stake. This marker is useful to sustain the plants to stand upright.
  • Plucking leaf buds, young shoots that grow in axillary should be eliminated (plucked). The flush begins on the 20th day after planting, picking is usually done three times until the formation of a branch. Point for the plants to grow sideways when the stem is not too strong sustain.
  • Pests and diseases, pesticide use should only be done when the plant looks pests or diseased. If it appears there was a white pest spray with Pesticides, if it appears there will be a caterpillar spray with insecticide to taste, if visible mildew fungicide use. And can be administered either organically or with the use of chemical drugs, it depends on the choice of the plant.
Age chili ranging from planting to harvest varies depending on the varieties and the environment. It is best to harvest when the fruit is fully red yet, there is still the green line. Such fruit has entered optimum weight and chilies can still hold 2-3 days before being sold by vendors in the market. Harvest time should be done in the morning after the dew is dry. Avoid harvest time at night and during the day.

Thus the discussion of this experience by CHILI GARDENING IN THE POT, and please read the guide also grow plants in pots or other polybag, including planting cabbage in potplanted ginger in potsmustard planted in pots, how to grow it is also suitable to be applied on small-scale farms or yards. Can be applied also to agricultural or urban farming vertikultur. Hopefully useful and please share for mutual benefit.