Wednesday 27 July 2016

Easy Tips For Newbies To Start Organic Vegetable Gardening For Maximum Results

Vegetables are excellent food consumed by us, the many benefits of vegetables that we can get after consuming it, some of the benefits of consuming vegetables include vegetables are good sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients for our body, especially if the vegetables we eat are organic vegetables we planted himself in the yard, this would make an excellent healthy foods that consumed for you and your family, if you can sell it of course the price of organic vegetables have a higher price than the usual vegetablesFor those of you who have not started to grow organic vegetables, it would not hurt you to try at home, do not have to plant a lot, most importantly, can meet the needs of vegetables for your family, especially organic vegetables that we can say the healthy food. For those of you who will grow organic vegetables, and want to start an organic vegetable gardening is there a guide that can be read or become a reference in making organic vegetable garden.? Okay I will give easy tips for newbies to start organic vegetable gardening with maximum results.

I will give you tips that will not burden you sought when starting organic vegetable gardening, the most important thing you want to try and can maximize the potential that exists around you into something useful. When you want to grow organic vegetables, there are some things you need to know and make your choice in growing organic vegetables, including selection of the type of vegetables you'll plant. Vegetables have a types of very much so I could not discuss it in my writing, but in my last article I will give some information about the types of vegetables commonly grown in backyard or in the garden outdoors.
"organic vegetable","organic vegetable gardening","start organic vegetable garden"
What steps are being prepared to start organic vegetable gardening with maximum results.?
For the success of organic gardening you also need to know a few things that could support in order that you succeed in gardening organic vegetables, what you need to prepare to start gardening organic vegetables such as site preparation to be used as a garden, seeds, planting media and supporting equipment, seeding and planting, fertilization, pest and disease control plants, watering, and harvesting.

The place
For those of you who live in urban areas or on the edge of urban areas the availability of a place that will make the garden can be a problem if you do not have it, but you do not have to worry about this kind of problem, because you can apply the methods of gardening organic vegetables in containers or pots, such as my writing other easy guide to organic tomato plant in a container or pot with maximum results. You can try this method, because you can put your plants on minimal land to be used as a garden, can be placed on a porch or wherever that for you possible.

Vegetable seeds
After you prepare the place, the next step you can look for vegetable seeds suppliers are good and trusted, please you can specify of vegetables types you'll plant. Choosing tips the vegetable seeds are good for you including seeds more resistant to pests and diseases, have a high production potential, do not enter the expiration period from seeds to be selectedIf you have questions, you can visit here again and ask it to me, and you also could recommend to me to make a guide planting vegetables you want to plant, because the type of vegetables very much, so I would be happy to accept recommendation from you. Later I will help you to make vegetable planting guide will you plant.

Planting medium and supporting equipment
I've never written about supporting equipment as supporting for your gardening activities, so you can see my writing about gardening tools list that can you know, if you live in urban areas and have limited land you have, then you can add containers, pots, polybags, waste buckets, or whatever they can maximize to be prepared in the list of support tools for your gardening activities. While the planting medium you need to prepare for organic gardening is soil, organic fertilizer, sand, husk charcoal (biochar). For more details, such as the following reviews:
  • Prepare the soil and adjust how many plants you'll plant, soil either one of them is the humus soil, but for me you do not need to fuss and hard to find humus soil if your place is not available, you can use a good soil and uncontaminated by chemicals, for me it was enough.
  • Organic fertilizer, organic fertilizer use becomes compulsory for you because you will organic vegetable gardening, so the nutritional needs of plants can be fulfilled with the use of organic fertilizer.
  • Husk charcoal (biochar) is best used as a mixture for the growing medium, because a lot of benefits that you get if using husk charcoal (biochar) as planting media, the benefits husk charcoal (biochar), among others, have a good ability to retain water, can spur the growth of microorganisms that are good for your plants, fertilize the soil (growing media), increase crops, and many more benefits that can be achieved by mixing husk charcoal (biochar) to the growing media that you will use.
  • The role of the use of sand for the planting medium is to make the planting medium is more loose and have good porosity, with loose planting medium will allow the roots to grow up.
After you know the ingredients that you will use for the planting medium, then you can try some variations mixing a good planting medium. here are some examples of comparisons of growing media that you can use for your organic vegetable plants.
  • Soil : organic fertilizer : rice husk with a ratio of 1 : 1 : 1
  • Soil : organic fertilizer : husk charcoal : sand in the ratio 1 : 1 : ½ : ½
  • Soil : organic fertilizer : sand in the ratio 1 : : ½
  • Soil : organic fertilizer with a ratio of 1 :
You just select which comparisons are going to use, actually there are other great ingredients to use, but the price a little expensive if you buy them, such as cocopeat, vermicompost, organic fertilizer made from bat droppings. So I can not recommend you to use a material planting medium is a little expensive. Okay hopefully reached here you've got it, then we discuss the next point.

Plants nurseries and planting
How to plant nurseries actually almost the same with other vegetable crops, you can directly sow, or you create in advance seed until the plants are ready for planting on larger media. For seed germination age also averaged together, so you can create seeds from plant seeds will you plant in the following way:
  • Prepare a seedbed can pot tray or anything that can be utilized to place seeding.
  • Fill a nursery with a planting medium that you have prepared, and do not forget the planting medium wetted prior inserted seed.
  • Usually for vegetables, you do not need soaking, you can directly enter the seed in the seeding media, but if you want to soak them, you can soak them the day before planting in the nursery media.
  • The seeds have started to germinate usually starts on day 5, you can move the seedlings to the planting medium is slightly larger when plants are germinating perfectly, or leaves are already open properly.
  • At the time the plant has leaves at least 6 strands, then the seed is ready to move to a place or a larger planting medium.
Fertilizing organic vegetables
You should know that the fertilizer that you can use when growing organic vegetables there are 3 types of fertilizer that you can use, including:
  • Solid organic fertilizer, solid organic fertilizer can make your own with any ingredient that is the most important ingredient you use is an organic material or easily decomposed by microbial activity, if you have never made their own organic fertilizer, then you can read how to make organic fertilizer itself from me.
  • Liquid organic fertilizer, apart from the use of solid organic fertilizer you can also use a liquid organic fertilizer, in the manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer there are two ways you can do, you can make liquid organic fertilizer in the usual way or by using a vortex brewer to make tea compost. If you can not make a liquid organic fertilizer alone and does not have the tools vortex brewer, then you can see the guide from my certainly cheaper and easier, for more details you can read my other articles on how to make liquid organic fertilizer itself from material coconut husk, If you are interested in make compost tea does not hurt to read my other posts, such as how to make compost tea with little cost or other of my guidelines, you can find more of my writing on this website.
  • Biological fertilizer, biological fertilizer is a fertilizer that live in other words, the biological fertilizer is a fertilizer that contains microbes that are very good for your plants, many types of microbes that have been proven to increase the growth, production, and quality of the crop plants, such as microbes mycorrhiza, microbial PGPR, and many more. You can combine a biological fertilizer with organic fertilizer, then you can see the plants grow well and looks lush.
Controlling pests and plant diseases
Controlling pests and plant diseases by means of organic and biological you can apply, I have much to discuss control of pests and diseases of plants by means of organic and biological, and already many articles I write, so please find my writing on this point, because a lot of tips you can try, and it was very cheap for me.

Irrigation is also very important for you to do if the planting medium looks dry and is already dry, but using soil media with materials that have the ability to retain water are good, then the watering can you do if the planting medium is completely dry by flushing during the morning and watering during the afternoon with smaller portions.

Your plants can be harvested after entering harvest time, so before you plant organic vegetables, you also need to know the age crop harvest that will be you planted in your garden. As I explained in the article above, this time I will give you some information about what kind of common vegetable be planted, and how old harvest, but this can not be your valid data, because age of the plant was also affected by improved plant varieties you will use, so to find out harvesting crops you planted will get to see the information provided on the packaging of the seeds you buy. Okay the following commonly grown vegetable and hopefully can be a reference for you.
"vegetable types harvest","how to growing organic vegetable","planting tips organic vegetable"
After you read this guide I hope you can understand and be understood, so Starting today you can start a garden in your home. And hopefully I have given the information that could be useful to you, and you can also share this information with relatives, friends, neighbors, or community, so this information will be more useful for others. Okay, if you have any questions, please you can ask me, or you want to made a guidelines planting vegetables that you want, if so please you can recommend to me types vegetables to be be planted, you can write in the comments field or can send email message to me.