Tuesday 20 October 2015

Easy Ways Ginger Cultivation In polybag Good and True

Well today a lot of people who are not satisfied with the results in the cultivation of ginger, either red or ginger, especially sweetness marketing of seeds that offer optimal results much makes farmers increasingly irritated with the reality that happens with yields that far from expectations. This paper attempts to explore a little bit of ginger cultivation in poly bag, which is certainly the hope that forwarded by the hard work of the farmers could be assigned the maximum results. Ok just us to discussion.
Ginger Cultivation In polybag
1. Prepare the planting medium: Polybag, husk, compost (ripe), ground.
Note: because the harvest of ginger is the tuber then planting medium should really help the growth of root ginger with emphasis on organic materials, can use comparison husk charcoal: organic matter: soil of 1: 2: 1 (can be adjusted to taste, more compost better ).

2. Prepare ginger seed
Terms of select seeds ginger is good for planting:
  • Derived from the ginger plant is old in the mark canopy dry air around the age of 9 to 10 months.
  • Ginger rhizome has been through a period of dormancy (1 -1.5 months) are still fresh, there was no sign of disease or decay seeds.
  • Rhizome skin blisters or bruises as a result of excavation.
  • Select Rhizome large and fertile.
  • Quality seeds is a good seed (not stored too long).
  • Meet the quality requirements of genetic, physiological quality (high growth percentage), and physical quality. The physical quality of the seedlings free of pests and diseases.
  • Rhizome to be used as seeds, should be cut with sterile sweet or straight cut, leaving 2-3 buds will weigh about 25-60 g large white ginger, 20-40 g small white ginger and red ginger.
If you want to maximize breeding, seed can soak with PGPR solution before seedlings, after soaking the seeds can be placed on a seeding (moisture guarded lest dry seeds). The seeds will begin to germinate after about 2 weeks. to know how to make PGPR can be viewed in here.

One way is to use the seeding crates to working order as follows:
  • At the bottom of the wooden coffin is placed a mixture of compost and rice husk then will the seeds in place on top of the media then closed with husk.
  • The seeds will begin to grow into young plants in about 2-4 weeks. After growing to a height of about 10 cm (grow 3-5 leaves), seedlings can be taken / cut of the rhizomes and planted in the media which has been prepared polybag, polybag for seed size is the diameter of 7-10 cm.
  • The remaining rhizomes can be replanted in the nursery to grow seedlings to another. One piece of rhizome can grow about 2-4 seeds.
  • Once planted, the plants Ginger is not directly placed in the open space with direct sunlight, but must be adapted to the place that has a shade prior to the age of 1.5 - 2 moon.

3. Planting
Ginger planting seeds in sacks or polybag should carefully (reducing the stress levels of seedlings). Make the hole as big as the size of the polybag seedlings, put together media Ginger seed into the planting hole, then cover with the surrounding medium and condense moderation. After planting, the media and the seeds should be watered with clean water so that the plants get enough water and contact with the media.

4. Maintain
Ginger plant maintenance in sacks or polybag quite easy. Maintenance includes: watering, weeding and tilling the media, fertilization, and pest and disease control.

a. Watering
Watering is done every day, preferably in the afternoon, especially when there is no rain. Some farmers combine Red Ginger cultivation with fish farming in ponds, to facilitate watering and anticipate the need for water during the dry season. In addition, the pool water is expected to provide additional nutrients for plants. Watering can be stopped when the plants begin to enter the phase senecense Ginger (dries) when old and approaching harvest.

b. Pruning
Cutting the stem ginger treatment when the age of 2 months, to spur the growth of new shoots candidates and increase the number of stems that grow uniformly in one pot / polybag.

c. Weeding and tilling
Grass growing on the planting medium should daytime so as not to interfere with the growth of plants, especially around the first 4 months, where ginger plant has not been so dense. Some farmers add to the growing media straw mulch to suppress weed growth. In addition to weeding, planting media also need on the loose using a trowel. on the loose intended to provide a good growing medium for plant roots and improve air circulation in the media.

d. Fertilization and hoarding
Fertilization and hoarding done 2 months as the growth of plants, by adding organic fertilizer in the planting medium. The amount of fertilizer given depends on the size of the media used, roughly 1/5 the size of the bag or poly bag used. Fertilization can be given 3 times during the life of the plant.
hoarding better when done regularly is when there is a new ginger rhizome growth that appears near the soil surface. hoarding rhizome surface using a media that has been prepared with a thickness of about 5 cm.

e. Pest and Disease
Actual cases of pests and diseases on plants Ginger serious seldom heard. But it would be better if we know and anticipate them. Pests that often attack plants Ginger was locusts and caterpillars that feed on leaves, especially young leaves. For control, we can use several ways:
Mechanical means, to inspect the plant and kill pests, especially caterpillars often feed on the leaves, or by using an insect trap in the form of plastic brightly colored (yellow or red) that is fitted with bamboo and smeared glue.

Implementation of integrated pest management is to maximize the natural enemies of pests ginger, with the use of natural enemies to control pests is expected ginger pests on ginger plants can be controlled

Chemical way, with the appropriate insecticide spraying to control grasshoppers and caterpillars. The recommended insecticide active ingredient is an organic insecticide or other tobacco.
While the disease may strike Ginger is a plant Bacterial wilt disease and Rhizome rot caused by the fungus. To prevent the disease, seed health and environmental sanitation per plant needs note. Make sure the seeds are healthy seeds and derived from a healthy parent. Planting environment also needs to be kept clean and not too humid or waterlogged. For plants that have disease, can be sprayed with bactericides or fungicides, if need be destroyed in order not to infect other plants.

5. Harvesting
Ginger plants can be harvested after approximately 10 months (depending on the type of ginger planting). Plants that are old enough and ready for harvest will pass to dry period, in which the leaves and stems turned yellow and dry up. Ginger Harvesting of media sacks and polybag quite easy because it does not have to dig hard. We are quite digging with trowel and open sacks or polybags have started rotting. Ginger rhizome lifting carefully to avoid damage, clean up of soil and dirt, and if necessary, wash with clean water. One family of plants Ginger in 1 planting medium sized sacks of 50 kg, can produce fresh ginger rhizome 2 to 5 kg if both of plants and special treatment, it is not impossible to produce more than that.

were interested in planting ginger on a pot and confused where to find the best ginger seed.? you try to find here a collection of the best ginger seed in here Asian Region (Free shipping).

That's a little discussion about the Easy Ways Ginger Cultivation In polybag Good and True, and may be useful and could be a little reference from my experience, and please read the guide also grow plants in pots or other polybag, including planting tomatoes in pots, planting cabbage in pot, planted strawberries in pots, mustard planted in pots and planted leeks in the pot..