Monday 26 October 2015

Guides Plant And Changing Color Flower Hydrangea In The Yard

Hydrangea commonly grown as an ornamental plant in the garden or in parks, chronic shrub is upright, strong-trunked, green color when young, and has a 0.5 to 1 m high, single leaves, sessile, located opposite cross, leaf blade width and thick, oval shape, base and pointed tip, serrated edge, bone pinnate leaves, dark green surface color, and yellowish green bottom. Inflorescence compound, out of the end of the stem, forming a series of rounded diameter can reach 20 cm, color white, pink, and it will be blue.
Flower Hydrangea
To implement cultivation techniques hydrangeas, there are some things that need to be considered for planting hydrangea, including:

Selection of plant type Hydrangea.
Firstly you should know the type of plants you want to plant. There are many different varieties, all of them can grow to different heights, grow better in certain environments, and require different levels of care. If this is your first time to plant beautiful flowering plants, you can choose the type commonly known as a strong and produce flowers that last a long time include:
  • Hydrangea mophead and lacecap, or hydrangea "broadleaf" grow well in zone 8, where the climate is warm. The types do not grow well in the cooler area unless you are prepared protection from freezing weather. Find mophead type of "Endless Summer" at your local nursery - this is the kind of mophead hydrangea that evolved more than once during the summer. This type of hydrangea flowers produce large balls of pink or blue color is darker during the flowering season.
  • Oakleaf hydrangeas grow well in places with very hot summers are not too damp. This type is suitable in zone 4b / 5a. This type of hydrangea flowers are white.
  • Hydrangea annabelle more resistant to cold than or mophead hydrangea Oakleaf, can still grow in Zone 3. This hydrangea type has white flowers that turn light green later in the flowering season.
  • Hydrangea peegee could grow more resistant in zones farther north than Annabelles - up to the zone 3a. This type can also be grown in the southern zone. This species has white flowers.

For most species, the posture of hydrangea are very large and beautiful. The first Steps, specify the area where you want to plant, as this will help you in determining the appropriate types of plants are high as you want. Hydrangea plants can grow anywhere and can reach 4-12 meters, so maybe you could put into consideration when planting.

Plan to plant in spring or autumn.
Planting season milder weather will give hydrangeas time to adjust to the conditions of the soil and the roots grow before it turned into more extreme weather. Find hydrangea plants in nurseries in early spring or early fall.

Selecting the location Planting Plants Hydrangea.
Selecting the environment is probably the most difficult thing in the methods of cultivation of hydrangeas, you should really pay attention to regarding the location where you are planted. Note the amount of sunlight coming into the location, as well as at any time to get the most sunlight. Most hydrangeas grown in areas that receive enough sunlight. The best thing is when the plant receives full sun in the morning and evening. Next, place it in an area where the plants will be protected from the wind, in the area of ​​high wind, the leaves will dry out and cause the plant undergo extensive pressure.
Hydrangea including plant species that are very easy to grow and not too much trouble maintaining, and can grow in different types of soil. However, you still need to check the condition of the ground and make sure the humidity up because it is very important for the plants. You do not need to think about whether the plants grown in soil with pH levels lower, because after all, you will find that the land itself may have a direct impact on the color of the plant when it blooms.

A craft the soil with organic fertilizer.
Hydrangea needs a rich soil with good drainage, which remains moist. When you're working with dry soil or lack of nutrients, prepare Hydrangea by providing organic fertilizer, if you can not make organic fertilizer, can be read also the other articles on how to make organic fertilizer in the menu tag. When the soil tends to hold water, you can give peat or biochar to assist in the absorption of water

Dig a wide hole in the ground.
You should dig a hole as deep as the root ball on Hydrangea plants, at least twice as wide, use a shovel to dig a large hole that can accommodate the roots of plants. If you plant more than one Hydrangea, you have to give a range of about 1.5 to 2.1 m to one another, because these plants can grow very large. Check the instruction according certain types of hydrangeas you choose. Some hydrangeas can grow closer to each other, while other types of Hydrangea which must be planted at least a distance of 3 meters.

Other articles : how to make your own organic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer.

Hydrangea planting.
It is important to ensure the Hydrangea roots watered when planted, so start by setting Hydrangea root ball in the hole that you dug. Fill the hole with a few centimeters of water and let it drain all of them, then fill the hole with soil and water again, pat the soil around the base Hydrangea. And keep in mind that the plant Hydrangea roots too deep can cause failure. If not planted deeply enough, you can Hydrangea fall when hit by heavy rain or strong winds.

Flower Hydrangea
Hydrangea care
Hydrangea treatment is relatively easy. You just need to cut it to ensure healthy plants, fertilization is recommended twice a year ie in late autumn and early spring. It is suggested that, when fertilizing, you use a non-volatile compounds. be sure to give fertilizer to taste, if excessive can cause the plants to bloom, just a suggestion on the use of organic fertilizer biological fertilizer added (can be found in the menu tag on biological fertilizer for readability) routine will make more healthy and productive plants in bloom. Change the color of hydrangea, hydrangea color dep
ends on the pH of the soil where it is grown, if you have a hydrangea pink or blue, the color can be changed by changing the pH of the soil. This will require weeks or months, so be patient!
  • To change the flowers from pink to blue, lowering the pH of the soil by adding sulfur or gambit.
  • To change the interest from blue to pink (which is more difficult than changing the pink to blue), add limestone to the soil to increase soil pH.
  • White hydrangea flower color can not be changed.
So little guidance I can say about Guides Plant And Changing Color Flower Hydrangea In The Yard, and please read the guide also plant other crops, including tulips to plant guide, a guide to plant roses, and orchids grow guide, hopefully the reader satisfied with what I say, and do not forget to share this article in order to be useful, and the reader can read a guide that other agricultural and gardening in the menu, and do not forget to gives G + it